About Me

I am a maker and a creative problem solver at heart. Whether the solution is expressed in development or design, it is all about thinking creatively to meet challenges. My sweet spot is collaborating with cross-functional teams to arrive at the best possible outcome. I will do whatever it takes.

Specializing in building websites and applications, my current tools of choice are React, Javascript, Typescript, and NextJS, although I also have extensive experience with PHP and WordPress and am excited about the current ways to integrate them all. While my main focus is on the front end, nothing is more exciting to me than connecting the data from an API or a CMS, via REST or GraphQL.

My Story

My first programming experience was via the database solution program FileMaker Pro. I used it to build several custom solutions for our family business. It enabled us to solve real-world problems for which there were no off-the-shelf solutions.

When it came time to build a website, we needed a custom shopping cart that charged delivery fees based on zip code. I taught myself PHP and built it from scratch, with MySQL powering the e-commerce and an admin backend for managing products, using sessions and encryption. My career as a web designer and developer had begun and I never looked back.

Working with various agencies, startups, and personal clients, I honed my skills in both development and design – branding, print, and we. I soon found WordPress and was building custom themes from the beginning. It has been the perfect place to integrate design and development skills.

As the web manager at Cloudera, my responsibilities included managing their newly-built AEM site and I took the developer training. After working at PagerDuty rebuilding their corporate WordPress site from the ground up, I landed at Cengage, an education company specializing in hardcover books and online course materials.

It was here that I began my journey with React. Our internal agency was tasked with an ambitious initiative to move legacy educational programs into the modern age, converting print and Flash-based programs into React applications. I ultimately decided to go “all in” to learn React and Javascript and later, Typescript.

Fast forward to today, where after two years at Apple, building out the POC for a transformation of Apple.com with React, Next, and Typescript, I am looking forward to my next challenge.

Outside of work, you’ll find me in nature walking my dog Lola, in the gym, or on the slopes, or indulging my passion for world travel.

About Me was last modified: April 11th, 2024 by Mary A. Hayne