

This project was completed for the planned launch of Embertec’s new product and foray into the “smart house” space. We built a separate mobile site (phones only) with separate content, and used server-side detection to push users to that site unless they were on a desktop or tablet.

Seven Seas Music

The music licensing industry is in need of simpler and more user-intuitive ways for users to search the vast archive of music in the world. In the case of Seven Seas, the idea was to start with a map of the world. My role here was basically that of front-end developer. I was provided a mock-up and tasked with setting it up with a responsive framework, and integrating the views with the Zend framework.

Int’l Obstacle Racing Federation

The International Obstacle Racing Federation (IORF) will be the governing body of obstacle racing and its affiliates worldwide. We built the first site as it’s initial public face. The next phase iteration involved full integration with the Events Network API, pulling stats on athletes and events from the web service.

h2 Media Labs

We recently launched this new design for h2 Media Labs, built in WordPress with a custom theme. The kids on the home page evoked the founding story of the company and it’s upstart attitude. Keeping the main image in grayscale helps it stand out in a world of large, colorful hero images, and keeps it from being “too cute”, in my opinion.

The Nollen Group

EcoReserve created a proposal to “white label” its mapping platform for a project in South Africa. This is a mockup of the potential site and was also used as the proposal cover.

Eco Reserve

EcoReserve is an environmental non-profit, currently in beta mode, whose mission is to allow users to purchase small “reserves” in endangered land areas for as little as $25.00, spread the concept via social networking and provide users with actual coordinates using GPS mapping technology.